In our small group tonight we were talking about being rich, giving, charity, and material things. We discussed what one item we would have a really hard time living without. We discussed that last thing we received that we were truly thankful for. This was the basis for a discussion on giving more of ourselves, time, and money to things that make a difference in other people's lives. I had wanted to blog about this subject for a couple days or so but just now got around to writing about it. It was ironic to discuss material things when it was going to be the subject of my blog. But really, it is more sentiment than material.
So I have been thinking about my Dad a lot lately. I thought about all the things he represented, did, accomplished, and was in his life. When he passed in August I got the Chance to travel out to Phoenix with my brother, sister-in-law, and wife. We sorted through all of Dad's stuff and let me tell you, it was a real random mixture of things. Maren wanted to see the grandfather clock in our house so here it is.
The clock is in our living room and is a beautiful reminder of Dad. I didn't necessarily have sentimental attachment to it but I definitely do now. After all it was the one thing Dad put in his will to give to me. It's funny how the little things can set off random memories. I am glad I am able to put this stuff around my home to make me smile and remember a man who traveled from the U.S. to Malaysia to Ireland to Australia.
To be honest I don't know where I was going with this blog. I just had these things around the house that made me proud to have a Dad with wide cultural experience. A Dad who having been all over the World still didn't have many things. What he had was a family he loved and an influence on the people around him.The ostrich egg above is painted with two tigers. Dad had picked out 5 eggs when in Malaysia that reminded him of his kids. This one is mine. Although not normally a collector of eggs I decided this deserved to be on my bedside table. It was chosen for me because he thought I was "wild and fierce".
Dad being a certified diver and myself being the only kid that is certified I was happy to get a wet suit, a nice divers watch, some goggles and other random scuba gear. Although I haven't been in well over 2 years I am now equipped to go. Which means John and I can finally make that scuba trip we keep talking about. Anyways I am just rambling on. Mostly I hope that I inherited my Dad's spirit and his ability to continue loving throughout the ups and downs of his life. I miss you Dad. Thank you for being a man of influence. Thank you for bringing all your lessons and wisdom from your travels all over the world back home, to teach them to me.
5 years ago
I love you.
Thank you for sharing - it's a beautiful representation of who your dad was to you.
and that is the most awesomest clock ever...even if it doesn't keep time right :)
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