a cue from beth

As I have been inspired by so many of Beth's posts, I decided I would give all you loyal readers a quick taste of what has been cooking in my kitchen. No, sadly you can't really taste it. However, I love to cook so if you bring yourself over, with a little warning, I will attempt to whip you up something palate pleasing. So here is what Claire and I had for dinner on Friday night.

I think I will call it Upside Down Stuffed Avocado. As you will probably notice, or have noticed in the past, I like to infuse a south of the border flair into my cooking. This recipe was a self created one. I decided this year I was going to find a good balance between using the 8 billion cookbooks I have and creating my own recipes. Someday I will compile my own creations into my own Tastebook.

The only problem I had with this meal was that I eyeballed the amount of olive oil put into the rice. Well, I'll admit, we all make mistakes and I over did it a bit so it came out just a tad on the oily side. Cutting the oil back would have made this probably a big winner, in this instance it just came out to be a good meal.

1 Avocado (Halved, Peeled, and seed removed)
1 Chicken Breast (Grilled, Baked, or cooked to your preference)
1 Handful of Panko Crumbs
1 Cup Cilantro
1/2 Cup Green Onion
4 Chopped Button Mushrooms
1 Box of your favorite Spanish Rice (or make your own)
Salt, Pepper, Chili Powder, Tabasco, Cumin, Paprika, Fajita Seasoning, and Olive Oil

Saute the Mushrooms, Green Onion, Chicken in olive oil. Add all seasonings to taste. I like it strong so I pack it all on. Cover outside of Avocado with panko crumbs and quickly fry in olive oil until crumbs are light brown. Toss chicken mixture with fresh cilantro and portion onto the rice.
Top with the avocado, pitted side down and serve.



Anonymous said...

chance! this looks amaaaazing. i want some of your cooking sometime!

Anonymous said...

My name is the in the title of your blog post! :)

This sounds really yummy - reminds me of a friend chicken stuffed avocado I had at Doc's awhile back. Yum!

Sara said...

That looks really, really yummy! We're gonna have to try that out.

Claire said...

Actually, Chance, that was Wednesday night. (: Friday night was...Jardin Corona!!! You're gettin' your Mexican dishes all mixed up.

Regardless, it was stinking good...and I'm ready for whatever you're gonna cook up tonight! (:

Anonymous said...

by jardin corona...do you mean

PAAAARTY corona!?

Claire said...

Yes, Brooke, yes. (: Of course, my mistake!!! Haha.

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